25 Jan 2013

This Is The End ...

Well hello there, its been a while hasn't it?

This blog ran over the summer of 2012 as I went through a period of bad mental health and finally let go of all the things I had held in and held back over the years.

It helped me greatly and I would once again like to thank everyone who read my ramblings and messaged me on the various social media networks.

I am (stupidly) trying to publish these tales of despair, misery and the occasional bout of laughter, love and fun as a book.

It is already available on amazon here Stories I Shouldn't Tell
The version found there at the moment is currently being proof read and will soon be updated.
The words will still be mine but the punctuation and formatting will make it far more enjoyable.

I am also looking into maybe doing small run of paperbacks (once it is all ship shape)

Thanks again